Delta Clipped Wings, Inc. Bylaws
Revised January 27, 2015
Amended September 21, 2015
Amended December 19, 2019
Amended May 1, 2021
Amended March 31, 2023
The name of the organization shall be Delta Clipped Wings, Inc. (DCW).
The Mission Statement of Delta Clipped Wings, Inc. is to promote fellowship and raise funds for one or more charities.

Section 1
Membership in DCW shall be open to all former and active flight attendants of Delta Air Lines, Inc.  A former flight attendant is defined as a Delta employee who worked in the Delta In-Flight Service department for any length of service.  An active flight attendant is defined as a current employee of the Delta In-Flight Service Department.
Section 2
Membership dues, payable annually in September, as well as any other fees shall be determined by the DCW Board.

Section 1
The officers of DCW shall be Chairman or Chairmen [immediate past President(s)] and elected officers to include: President or Co-Presidents, Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Diplomacy, Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Programs, Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Membership, Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications, Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Website, Treasurer or Co-Treasurers and Secretary.  These officers shall be elected by the membership and shall serve for two years.  These elected officers and the appointed Standing Committee Chairmen shall constitute the Board of DCW. The Board shall retain the authority to appoint a financial adviser to the Treasurer should it determine the action to be in the best interest of DCW.
Section 2
The Chairmen of the Board, President(s) and Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Diplomacy shall serve as the Executive Board and shall serve for a term of two years.
Section 3
The Nominating Committee shall be established by March of each biennial board election year.  The committee shall consist of the Chairmen of the Board who serve as ex officio members, two Board members nominated by the President(s), and three volunteer at-large members.  In the absence of volunteers, the President(s) shall appoint three at-large members.  The slate of nominees to serve on the Nominating Committee shall be placed before the general membership for election in January.  It shall be the duty of this committee to meet in March and nominate candidates for the offices to be filled and to submit the slate for publication through DCW's communication network prior to the election in May.  An election ballot shall be distributed to the membership through DCW's communication network.  Voting will be accepted via a written or online ballot.  A simple majority of votes received will constitute an election.


Section 1
Duties of the officers shall be those stated in these bylaws and other such duties applicable to their office.
Section 2  
The Board shall approve all organizations that DCW would like to serve through volunteerism.
Section 3
The Executive Board shall oversee and make decisions regarding the daily operations of DCW.  The Executive Board shall appoint an interim President(s), when needed, to fulfill the remainder of the term.  The Chairmen of the Board shall advise the President(s) and serve as ex-officio members of the Nominating Committee.
Section 4
The President(s) shall preside at all meetings, approve all bills before payment by the Treasurer(s), approve all contracts, oversee the annual fundraiser, approve all official correspondence, approve all publicity and serve as ex-officio member(s) of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.  The President(s) shall appoint an interim replacement for any officer or Board member who resigns or can no longer perform their duties.  The President(s) shall schedule and facilitate all Board meetings.  The President(s) may establish committees as needed.  The President(s) shall appoint two Board members to the Nominating Committee.  
Section 5
The Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Diplomacy shall coordinate DCW’s interaction with other groups including Delta Air Lines, Inc., Delta In-Flight Service, Delta Pioneers, Delta Golden Wings, DALRC and other groups as assigned by the President(s).  In addition, the Executive Vice President shall aid the President(s) and perform the duties of the President(s) in their absence or inability to serve.
Section 6
The Vice President(s) of Programs shall be subdivided into, but not limited to, Event Planning and Fundraising.  The Vice President(s) of Event Planning shall schedule the monthly events, select the location, negotiate the contract and select the program and menu.  They shall obtain the bill from the facility, ensure it is correct and submit it to the Treasurer(s) or President(s) for payment.  The Vice Presidents(s) of Fundraising shall plan and oversee all components of fundraising events.  This includes, but not limited to, locating and contracting with a venue, selecting a mobile bidding company when needed, organizing needed committees, submitting articles for publication in The Briefing Sheet, etc.  They shall obtain the bill from the facility, ensure it is correct and submit it to the Treasurer(s) or President(s) for payment.
The Vice President(s) of Membership shall collect dues, maintain the membership database and be responsible for the creation of the annual DCW directory.
Section 8
The Vice President(s) of Communications shall be responsible for publishing information to the members as directed by the President(s), by means of, but not limited to, email notices, newsletter and official web site.
Section 9
The Vice Presidents(s) of Website will ensure functionality and efficiency of the web infrastructure.  Duties include, but not limited to, updating online user forms, updating online articles (e.g., board positions, newsletter postings, history timeline, deceased member list, work with other web administrators, etc.).
Section 10
The Treasurer(s) shall be charged with overseeing all financial affairs of DCW, serve on the Finance Committee, ensure a budget is written, keep accurate records, provide documentation and initiate tax preparation, give reports and schedule bi-annual audits.
Section 11
The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the meetings of the Board and any business sessions of the organization’s general meetings.  The Secretary shall maintain the business records of DCW.
Section 12
The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President(s) and shall serve in an advisory capacity regarding parliamentary procedure as requested by the President(s).


Section 1
Chairmen of Standing Committees shall serve on the DCW Board and shall retain the privilege of making motions, seconding motions and voting.  With the consent of the President(s), other members of Standing Committees shall be invited to attend Board meetings, but shall not retain the privilege of making motions, seconding motions or voting at such meetings.
Section 2
The Committee Chairmen shall chair and organize the following, but not limited to, Standing Committees: Archives, Finance, Greeting and Check-in, Historian, Holiday Bazaar, In Honor of/In Memory of, Newsletter Mailing, Past Presidents Council, Pause for a Moment, Reservations, Sales, Sunshine and Under Our Wings.


Section 1
Meetings and events shall be held from September through May.  Additional meetings and events may be planned by the President(s) or the Board as necessary.  Business presented by the President(s) or the Board may be voted on by the general membership at any of these meetings.
Section 2
Board meetings to conduct the business of DCW shall be called by the President(s) in the months of January, April, July and October or as necessary.
Section 3
The Executive Board shall have authority to conduct meetings electronically by means of email, video and/or teleconferencing provided all members of the deliberative body have access to such technology and are given the opportunity to provide input in a reasonable amount of time prior to any voting and prior to any decisions being made.
Section 4
A quorum for the Executive Board, the Board and Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members of the respective entity in attendance at a meeting.  A majority of the members in attendance at regular meetings of DCW shall constitute a quorum.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern Delta Clipped Wings, Inc. in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.


These bylaws may be amended by the general membership via an electronic or written ballot utilizing DCW's communications network provided the amendment(s) have been presented one month before ballots are due.  Approval or disapproval of proposals shall be determined by a simple majority of votes received.

Organization Incorporated and Bylaws Approved March 2, 1973